My info just in case you want to know!

Hello guys, thanks for checking out my blog. I’m Esteban, this will be my music blog for my Jour 285 class. Well to summarize a little about me, I’m a journalism major here at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. Well what is there to know, I’m a down to earth guy, love to go shows and festivals and check out new bands, hang out with friends, just explore the world around me and learn about new and different things that I yet to learn. I’m not very good at describing who I am, but I’m your regular broke goofy 20 year old college student.  I do though hope to accomplish with this blog a new perspective that people can have at all sort of music and the people involved in it. I have several life goals, I want to be a music journalist for a music publication, if journalism doesn’t work out I hope to become a writer and either write for a TV series or do some screenwriting or write a book for the hell of it. I want to do many things as you can see. That why I’m thinking about becoming an English major. If all else fails, I’ll just be a teacher I suppose. Well now at this pint I feel like I’m rambling on about things you don’t have too much of an interest in, but one cool fact about me is that I have an awesome beard, well that what I have been told. Well anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog, got any ideas you can always contact me and let me know.

Peace and chicken grease,


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